

的 advising program guides students in developing meaningful educational plans compatible with a student’s personal values, 目标, and career plans for a life of Christian service and leadership. 致力于为学生提供信息, 资源, 实现这些目标需要援助, HSU recognizes that ultimately the responsibility for making decisions about educational plans rests with the student.


  • 学术顾问 for degree planning, scheduling classes, and registration
  • 提供以下选项 换专业
  • 援助 转学
  • 建议 students on academic suspension regardless of major
  • Counseling for students considering withdrawal from HSU
  • Answering questions concerning any academic policy or procedure

的 学术顾问 Center serves all undergraduate students! We view one-on-one personalized advising as a core part of the Hardin-Simmons大学 experience. 我们以同样的热情为所有HSU的学生服务, providing extra assistance where necessary including for the following students:

  • 未申报的本科生
  • 没有专业的转学生
  • 考虑换专业的学生
  • 寻求学术住宿的学生


It is important that every student knows their academic advisor. If you’re not sure who yours is, follow these instructions:

  1. 登录 徐氏自助服务
  2. 深入了解学生计划.

HSU’s 基础课程 seeks to integrate the premise of a liberal arts education and the promise of the Christian life by:

  • Introducing students to disciplines of intrinsic worth that improve the mind and heart, providing not only understanding but the ability to live a humane life, 和…
  • Offering opportunities to understand Christ’s promise of liberation and transformation of the mind and way of life.



学术顾问 的 process of meeting with your advisor regularly to plan your courses and evaluate your career options.
登记 在与你的导师会面之后, you can log into HSU Central (specific dates are available from the Registrar) and add classes to your schedule for the upcoming semester.
学分 上课时间的测量. If you enroll in a 3-hour course, that class meets three hours a week. Full-time students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester.
主要的 专注于职业准备的领域. (30学时或以上)
支持领域或第二兴趣领域. (18学时或以上)
学位 您选择的认证级别. (B.A. 文学士或学士学位.S. 理学学士)
先决条件 A course that must be completed prior to registering for another, upper-level course. 先决条件可以在HSU目录中找到.
目录 HSU指南包括重要日期, 规定, 学位工作表, 课程描述和联系信息.
GPA(平均绩点) 0范围内的数字.000-4.000,表明你的大学成绩水平.
4.0 =全A
3.0 = B
2.0 = C平均
1.0 = D平均
0.0 = F
你可以使用 GPA计算器 在这一页来帮助你.
讲师办公时间 教师 holds office hours each week which are listed in their course syllabi. Get to know your professors, especially your advisor. 的y can be crucial in guiding you to the right academic 资源, 做职业决定, 在许多其他情况下也是如此.
教学大纲 A detailed explanation of the course in which you are enrolled, written by the instructor. 它包括教师的联系信息, 作业描述和截止日期, 考试日期, 和期望.
基础课程 的 set of core classes which all HSU students must fulfill to graduate.
学位审核 的 process of examining your academic record to determine if you have met all the degree requirements. 联系注册办公室学位审核.


All HSU students must meet with their advisor before they can be cleared to register for classes.

不一定,但肯定有帮助. Making an appointment ensures that your advisor will be in their office when you go and you will receive your advisor’s full attention. Don’t wait until the week before school starts to see an advisor. Many classes are closed at this point which can cause delays to your degree plan.

学术顾问 is more than just creating a schedule of classes. 顾问可以帮助你在课程选择中做出决定, 选择专业, 并将你与其他校园资源联系起来. Feel free to discuss your 目标/plans with your advisor and ask any questions you may have. Advisors are here to help you make the most of your HSU experience.

Declaring a degree is not synonymous with declaring a major. 宣布学位, all students are to confer with their advisor and decide on a major, 辅修(如果适用)和学位(学士学位), BS, 论坛等),并提交一份 申报学位申请书 no later than the completion of 30 semester credit hours. 的 form is available from the 注册处, 1st floor of the Sandefer Memorial building.

Pick up the 申报学位申请书 from the 注册处 (first floor of Sandefer Memorial). 的 form will need to be signed by the advisor in the NEW major. 然后,将表格交回注册办公室.

Stop by the 注册处 (first floor of Sandefer Memorial) and pick up the Schedule Change Form. 的n have the form signed by the professor of the class you want to drop as well as your advisor. 然后将表格交回注册办公室.

许目录 是一个很好的信息来源吗! You can find answers to all your questions and more including:

  • Academic calendar and important registration deadlines
  • 办公室PG电子游戏
  • 出勤费用和奖学金要求
  • HSU提供的所有学位计划要求
  • Course descriptions and prerequisites, as well as semesters, offered
  • 还有很多很多

Each degree has a worksheet listing all the required courses which can be found on the 学位 Worksheets page. 如果你还没有决定专业, you should use the 基础课程 Worksheet (the core classes everyone must take).

课程时间表可在 自助服务.

Be sure to bring a list of the credit you plan to bring in from Dual Credit programs or AP exams. While we can only accept the credit from an official transcript, 让你的指导老师知道还是有帮助的. 也, make sure to let your advisor know about any extra-curricular or work related obligations you have.